Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Thatch Master the Hot Spots

Thatch Master 18's Fairway
We are removing the dying ryegrass or as you see them the hot spots from the fairways.  The machine removes the rye so the bermudagrass can start filling back in.
After Thatching
At first it looks not the best within a couple of days the recovery will begin.  This project just for the fairways will take 3 to 4 days to finish.

13's New Bunker at Sunrise
The new (or redesigned) bunker has improved the look of the 13th hole.  We are expecting some transition issues in this area thank to how late it was built but overall it should fair fine.
Ernie's New Diet
Saw Ernie at the doctor's office ... he needs to start eating more ... much more.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Transition of the Greens

Flower Bed Wash Outs
The flower beds near 18's green has always been a bad bed mainly due to the steepness of the angle and all of the cart path drain that fail to directly be connected to the lake.  We are repairing and back filling this area and hopefully repair the outlets as well.
12's Green Transition
The least favorite thing about overseeding is the transition.  I wish there was a magic solution that could make it flawless but since I am not a zillionaire I have not found it.
Bermudagrass Mixed in with Poa Trivilas
The good news is that as we are watching this progress and aiding it to the best of our abilities with verticutting, proper nutrition and needle tining the bermudagrass can be seen coming back into the game.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Verticutting Continues

1's Green is Finished Being Verticutted
The twice to three times per week verticutting of the greens continues as we monitor the progress of the Poa Triv removal.  This is a double edged sword ... the removal of the Poa Triv will speed up the greens, while the granular fertilization required to push the bermudagrass to fill back in will slow them down.

That paradox is handled with the use of growth regulators during our foliar applications.  Additionally this week we will be continuing the needle tining process to improve percolation.  This process was at first limited to greens 11 - 13, but now we are adding 4, 5 and 16 to the list.  This may require two days to complete so they can be done before play.  More to come.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Transition is Beginning

As the Sun Rises the Start of Transition Can Be seen
As the weather warms the transition slowly begins.  In the early morning on the greens you can see the transition on the greens.  Overall I am please in the direction we are heading, but we have a long ways to go.
Finding the Perfect Position
As the season winds down it gets tougher and tougher to find "easy" positions on our greens.  This will mean to lessen the wear during this time where the transition stress is occurs.  Nope the GCM team still likes its members, just lessening wear patterns.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Divots and Transition

Getting Caught Back Up on Divots
With all of the events (very good for Avondale) we have fallen behind in the filling of the DR tee divots.  Yesterday, we used four loads of mix and filled them all.  The recovery will be quick.
Percolation Issues Are Still a Issue
Percolation issues are a major issue with push up greens and ours are no exception.  With proper management we can overcome most of the issues but they are the number one challenge on the golf course.

We have started up the select needle tining of the greens and have increased the frequency of the application of wetting agents to twice per month.  But the reality is only aerification will completely fix these issues.
New 328 Nursery
We have chemically treated the new nursery and leveled once again.  We are ready for May where we will be replacing the approaches of 1 and 5, and sprigging the new nursery for later use.
Transition ... if it was only four letters it would be the most hated word on overseeded golf courses.  The above pictures show you the difference between non-overseeded vs. overseeded areas in recovery.  The bermudagrass in front had no issues coming back while the target green is just on its first days of the 12 week recovery.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Verticutting & Cart Traffic

Verticutting 4's Green - Lots of Removal
The new blades were installed on the verticutter which led to heavy removal of the Poa Trivilas from the greens.  This removal is necessary to allow the bermudagrass to spread and fill in these areas.
Verticut Lines
Overall, after the mowing has been complete, and the greens have excess debris blown from them the presentation is pretty good.

Parking Too Close to Greens - Example - Not Picking on Anyone
I hear year once the ropes and stakes are dropped " why is it wearing out around the greens?"  For the most part is quite simple - cart traffic.  In efforts to reduce the exercising of the sport of golf some park within 10 feet of the green ... this is bad.  Then I hear about the horse races and how close they park.  This is true but one event doesn't kill turf ... everyday does.  Like my Dad always told me - two wrongs do not make a right.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Storms, Tines, Eggs and Things

Needle Tining 12's Green
Percolation issues have been a issue at Avondale since the very first push up green was built here.  Thankfully thanks to proper management techniques and correct management of green we can reduce the impact and during the cooler times of years lessen that impact to zero.
Needle Tining 13's Green
However, with the season wrapping up and the effects of the continual rolling of the greens, the tools to managing these greens needs to be pulled out and utilized.  From the verticutting started last week to promote the bermudagrass growth to the tining on the greens 11 to 13 we are getting the greens ready for the upcoming summer.
Sandstorm on Saturday Night
Another issue that has been pounding Avondale over the last few weeks is the strong winds with dust for the surround area's blow sand.  These wind storms luckily haven't caused too much damage to our trees, but thanks to the exposed lot and the nearby construction on Frank Sinatra there has been massive deposition of fine sand particles on the course.
Barely Can See 4's Green
On Sunday, our maintenance team had to spend all morning just cleaning the greens from the storm the night before.  There was so much debris and sand left on the greens they could not be even mowed.  Additionally, these sand deposited have added to our percolation issues thereby forcing us to add greens 4 and 16 to the needle tining process.

Tilling 4's Greenside Bunker
Along with the winds drying the golf course irrigation inputs had to be increased.  These increases of high levels of bicarbonates to our calcareous sands in our bunkers is a perfect mixture to turn the into concrete.  So we started yesterday tilling the greenside bunkers (which we finished before the afternoon event) and today started the fairway bunkers.  Our hope is to be finished before Thursday. 
Geese Eggs
Our two mating Canadian Geese that are trying to take up residence next to the Pro Shop yesterday laid a clutch of eggs.  Needless the say we do not want that to happen.

Tomorrow we will be needle tining the greens 12 and 13, and we will be verticutting all of the greens.  The verticutting will aid in the recovery of the bermudagrass as well as return the slight loss of green speed we experienced in the last couple of days.