Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Founder's Cup on the Horizon

Practice Facility at Sunrise
The Founder's Cup, second of the season's events, kicks off tomorrow with the putting contest and events in the dining hall.  Along with the weather warming up you can feel the season going into full swing with the Eclectic last week and the Founder's this week.

7's Fairway on 1-20-14
Today, we are starting the wall-to-wall fertilization of the golf course.  Since this process is quite a large undertaking we will address it in pieces such as today we are only planning to fertilize the DR, 1, 5 - 7 and 9 ... maybe 8 if we can irrigate quickly.

Monday, January 20, 2014

One Down, Many to Go

9's Fairway Looking Towards the Green
The first event of the season is in the books and it seems everything went off without a hitch.  I did not hear one complaint so that in itself is fantastic!!
Sunrise Over 8's Green (1-17-14)
Working along side by side with the Golf Shop we have been able to continue the fertilizations much needed to maintain quality turf.  And over the upcoming week, of course without interfering with the Founder's, we will be performing the wall-to-wall fertilization starting tomorrow.  Since we do want to minimize any interference this will be a multiday project.
1-17-12 (Before) Growing in the Staging Area

1-17-14 (After) Growing in the Staging Area
Over the past couple of years we have been addressing the look of the staging area.  With this year's great weather and persistence we are almost gotten the desired look.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Spring Warm Up

Warm Up Brings Blooms
As the weather warms back up into the eighties from the frost delays we had in December, the flowers begin to bloom.
Lots of Blooms
As the flowers blooms this is the first step in the golf course green up where soon the Bermudagrass will come back into play along with the ryegrass.
Mowing 16's Green
This will improve even more the golf course condition but sadly will at first slow down our greens.  Not a biggie ... we are ready.
Another Beautiful Morning at Avondale
So enjoy!!!!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Sun Rises on Another Day

We have finished day one the first event of the of the 2014 season (ladies eclectic) which went off without a hitch.  The hydraulic leak damage is healing nicely, the flowers have warmed up and started to bloom, and the golf course is in fantastic shape.

Thursday will conclude that event and we will prep for the next one ... The Founder's Cup (formally the Bill Stevens).

Monday, January 13, 2014

Coots, Leaks & Poa - Oh My

Widgeons vs. Coots
We have applied for the coot permit with the State and are waiting the results.  But I will tell you it is the cuter widgeons that cause most of the damage and leave the feces.  If you want to help please stop feeding the ducks in general ... I promise they will do quite fine.
Hydraulic Leak on 3
Last week we had a massive hydraulic leak on holes 6, 1, 2 and 3.  We treated the areas immediately and sodded a couple smaller areas but as of today the healing is progressing as we expect.
Killing Poa Annua
As you well know we did not overseed the driving range this year which allowed us to address the Poa Annua.  Two weeks ago I sprayed the range and this week I will spray the areas missed and that require another pass.
Bringing Back the Roses
The bed next to 7's tee which had the lantanas never seemed to take off.  With the cold weather they went dominant, which the drying out the course for overseed they defoliated, basically were not doing well.  We reverted this back to the roses that thrived in this area before.